Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My D90

So finally, this machine is mine! 27th Nov 09' is the date i purchased this new D90. Cost me for RM4449 (+ kit lens + 50mm f1.8 + the filters for both lens). For the first time handling this camera, my hand was shaking. Not even dare to hold the lens attached firmly (excited + nervous)!. I've done some snapping in the shop before manage to dumb all the money for the seller (his name is Micheal). We both do the talking in Thai language though. (You know what it sound like when a Chinese guy do the Thai talking) ;), but he is nice. No any nice picture snapped on that day. So as part of DSLR Nikonian's, this is my shout out'!

"HEY you photographer out there, future's professional photographer is on his way..! ;)"


  1. p'ruad xdok upload pic ka?? mcm mna nk tgk pic2 tu.. ?? huhu...

  2. hey joanne,
    thanks for visiting my blog. Currently alot of post uploaded. So stay on and happy reading. ;)

